2021 Life Lessons We learned
It’s that time again where we reflect on all the life lessons we learned throughout the year. 2021 was a pretty great year with lots of big milestones. Even though the world is still in a quasi-lockdown state, we managed to visit some pretty incredible destinations. With the year almost at a close, I’m thinking back on the lessons the universe has taught. Here’s some of the realizations the 2021 life lessons enlightened us with.

Embrace Your Individuality
Being able to embrace your own style and disregard other’s opinion of you is a truly liberating experience. Instead of constantly worrying about being judged, you can focus your energy on doing whatever the hell you desire. Any fears of disappointing people or being alone will end with attracting a crowd with much better synergy. Recalling a similar message from random inspirational quotes written on walls around the world; “It’s never too late to be who you might of been.” Actualizing your potential really takes the stress outta life.

Keep Leveling up
Aside from being the signature ending phrase for each travel blog on here, 2021 has also reinforced the concept of keep leveling up. What separates the mediocre from the affluent is the drive to constantly pursue their own personal development. Another emblematic Japanese phrase for this is Kaizen, or the act of continuous improvement even if it’s just 1%. Allocating the effort to strive for new heights in your metaphorical limits will help you to go beyond them. (Plus Ultra!) It’s also nice knowing I haven’t peaked and the best is yet to come!

Maintain a Positive Mental Attitude
Remaining true to your own conviction can be demoralizing in a world where we are regularly bombarded with negativity. Sometimes you just have to block out all of society’s noise and reinforce your own affirmations. Politics and current events can be a disease that infect the subconscious mind and weaken your resolve. If I gave into the doubts instead of persisting I may not have been able to catch the ethereal Northern Lights. If you believe in your passions you shall receive them!

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Enough said.

2021 Life Lesson Conclusion
Overall, the year was pretty good and the 2021 life lessons were more like reminders of what convictions to stay aware of. This year we were able to eat some delicious pizzas, party in the Big Easy, See the final space shuttle, Hike to the legendary world wonder of Machu Picchu, and see the elusive Northern Lights in the Land of Fire and Ice. As long as it was better than 2020, I won’t complain. Despite the “new year” just being a way to rationalize the continuity of our conscious existence, it should still be an opportunity to reenergize our resolves. Let’s end 2021 with a bang and manifest our desires onto 2022’s horizon! Happy New Year!!