Various Expert Travelers Share Their Purpose for Traveling

Each person has their own idea about traveling. For some, traveling is the cornerstone of their life’s purpose. For others, it’s a once a year vacation they can use to break away from their routines. After months of quarantine, my resolve to travel has strengthened even more.

This has led me to question why people are impacted differently from exploring the world. So what exactly does traveling mean for you? Here’s a deep dive into my thoughts and the unique perspectives from some of my favorite travel instagramers.

Why I Love Travel

I don’t travel to escape from my life, I travel to add to it. Each new place I visit increases my understanding of the world. I get to witness sights with my own eyes, and cast aside prejudices and stereo types portrayed by the media and society. Each experience can broaden your horizons and shape you into a much more cultured person. The memories from each trip become lifelong treasures that no one can ever take away from you.

Suddenly, ordinary things you previously over looked can trigger wonderful memories. The connections you make on each journey also have the power to greatly influence your life. I’ve met amazing people and acquired strong friendships from each of my travels.

I believe the desire to explore our world and become one with it is ingrained in human nature. The more we see, the greater our understanding. And the more we understand the less we fear. And the less we fear the easier we can create our envisioned reality.

Well enough about me! Here’s what some of the top travel instagrammers have to say about traveling. Be sure to check out their profiles for even more inspiring travel pictures!

Why We Love Traveling

For me, traveling is how others would think of their car. I love to see, smell, and eat things i didn’t know existed. This expands my horizon more than anything else. Appreciating all the incredible things Mother Earth lends to us is an absolute privilege to me, especially because humans will unfortunately destroy everything one day. I need to see it all before then!


Travel is the connective thread of humanity. It’s a journey whose sole purpose is experience wrapped in the wonders of difference. We emerge from the other side more whole than when we entered.


Travel is so important because it allows you to completely immerse yourself in new cultures and learn about different ways of living. It gives you an understanding of new perspectives and an opportunity to evaluate your own priorities and principles. It pushes you out of your comfort zone so that you learn more about yourself and grow into the person you want to be. Nothing beats the experiences either!


Why I love traveling?

Traveling enhances my personal growth and enables me to step out of my comfort zone into a different setting which adds to my independence and wisdom. It helps me escape from my boring daily routine and get in touch with myself. It also expands my perspective in life and makes me do things that I wouldn’t normally do. In fact, I became interested in taking photos after my first travel overseas. I have always loved to explore, learn new cultures, and meet different types of people on every journey I take. It is full of fun and very exciting adventures! To wrap it up, all my travel experiences have changed my life for the better.


I think now, more than any other time, I appreciate my home for what it is. It’s a sanctuary and a refuge. Traveling during COVID-19 made me realize how good I really have it in my own backyard and the adventure I’ve become too familiar with to appreciate. However, the world is a book and if you never travel you’ll only ever read one chapter. There are amazing experiences that can only be had by venturing out your door and out of your comfort zone. It’s a dangerous business, though. You step onto the road and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.


For me, I like people. I’m very interested in why they do things the way they do and how they think. Growing up, I always wondered how it would feel to be raised as an American, or Australian, or any of the other countries I watched on TV. I never got much exposure to different cultures growing up so I was always enamored by their experiences. Traveling gave me the opportunity to meet all kinds of people that were different than me all at once. The customs from around the world fueled my curiosity for the people who live in it.

travel-traveling-instagram – Pahel, Co-Founder of bonfire_live

Traveling is an expression of freedom! It’s an important part of my growth to wander out and mature in nature. I learn so much through different people and cultures!!

I also believe that others would loose fear and gain trust with people from different regions. I am sure if people could get the opportunity to travel more they would become better to get along with. So if you can travel with ease give it a shot! It’s huge part of happiness! 😃


I love to travel because of the people you meet, the places you see and the things you learn are all invaluable and are what makes travelling so special.  It fascinates me to see how other people live and I love to try new foods, drinks and different lifestyles. Travel for me has also made me appreciate what I have and to strive to live a more simple lifestyle. For me, it’s not about what I have but what I have seen, done and experienced and that is why I love to travel. 


We each have our own reasons for wandering the world. Each new experience guides us down the path of growth and personal development. Traveling is one of the best ways to instantly change your perspective. I hope these insights into our passion have inspired you to travel even more. Check out all of my latest blogs for even more travel adventures! Thanks for reading and keep leveling up!