Important lessons 2019 Taught Me
Doing a bit of a different post than usual. With 2019 almost completed, a new opportunity for reflection is upon us. Here we’ll look back at all the life lessons 2019 has taught us. Each life lesson can apply in so many ways. A turbulent year with just as many ups as down. Yet I feel a sense of euphoria from all the experiences it brought. I hope you can also use these insights to kick start your 2020!
Life Lesson 1: Stop Procrastinating
They say procrastination is the killer of dreams. I’m not sure how the urge to delay goals has gotten so powerful, but our conscious minds need to take back control. So many opportunities were missed by waiting around for the perfect moment. The moment will never be perfect, so it’s better to experience it as it is than not at all. Embrace the imperfection and keep crossing off that bucket list. (Super glad I got to see Venice before the flood).
Let’s get outta this town
Life Lesson 2: Don’t Take Things for Granted
Its easy to forget sometimes that everything we have was once something we desired. Our family, friends, health, and even past experiences are treasures that could never be replaced. Yet without the constant energy to maintain them, they would easily deteriorate. Smalls acts of eating healthy, investing money, and contacting family or friends goes a long way in strengthening what truly matters. Noting lasts forever, so let’s appreciate it while we can.
Man, I almost miss gluten
Life Lesson 3: Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back
There’s been so many times when other people’s fear and expectations held me back from seeing a new place. Getting to experience it for yourself grants you an entire new perspective all your own. Usually the stories are exaggerated. That’s why it’s always better to see it with your own eyes. Making excuses just limits your potential and often delays acquiring everything you want. Seize the moment and smile in the face of fear as you crush your dreams!
Fear is an Illusion
Life Lesson 4: Stop Wasting Time & Energy on the Unworthy
An even scarcer resource than money is our time, which can never be reimbursed. Spending our time and energy on things that don’t give back is just a waste of potential. Don’t let the stigma of traveling alone stop you from seeing new places. Often my solo trips were just as enjoyable as any other. Everyone is on different pages and prioritizing unique situations so don’t feel too bad about ditching them. Utilizing our energy more efficiently will help achieve our goals so much faster. I’m sure if we focus on only the positive things and people, 2020 will be an magnificent year.
My time is my own to waste
Life Lesson 5: Stay Persistent
I’ve spent my whole life avoiding failure at all costs. I didn’t realize it was an essential part of learning and getting stronger. You only ever truly fail if you give up. The ones who achieve everything they ever wanted are only the persistent ones. The consistency of our actions shall guide us towards our own visions of success. Devoting energy to work on my travel blog can be difficult at times. It’s best to take a step back and remember why you started the journey in the first place. Never give up on that burning desire!
Better to burn out than fade away
So there are some life lessons I learned throughout 2019. It also brought along partying at the worlds biggest festival, eating some of the world’s most delicious foods, traveling to many iconic cities, seeing the most beautiful beaches in the world, and a ton of celebrating with friends and family. With the new year nearly upon us, we are all given a new breath of energy to consciously redirect ourselves toward our goals. I hope it strengthens our resolve to travel and think different! Many more amazing destinations on the horizon so stay tuned! I’ll be celebrating in New York City, so happy New Year’s from the city that never sleeps! Thanks for reading and keep leveling up!