Celebrating the world’s Greatest 2020 Festivals

Happy New Year! It’s a bit late but I wanted to make the first post of the new year special. This 2020 calendar includes the dates for some of the world’s largest celebrations. I listed the festivals I’m most interested in experiencing throughout the year. This is by no means an all inclusive list of world wide events but it should help narrow down some ideas for your next trip. Hope you get to enjoy some of these amazing 2020 festivals too! I’ve included a downloadable version for anyone interested in having the calendar for themselves 😉

Whether it’s a music festival or any flavor of carnival, this list should have you covered. While 2019 taught us many valuable lessons about life and travel, I’m hoping 2020 will be able to even further expand our horizons! The world is a big and beautiful place with so many different experiences to enjoy. Are there any festivals you plan on attending?Let me know of any grand celebrations I missed! Thanks for reading and keep leveling up!

Check out the interactive version for more details on each festival!