Time Traveling at the Speed of Life

Time is an incredibly complex concept. Some say it’s an illusion. Some say it’s the only thing life is made of. If there’s one thing we can agree on, it’s that we all wish to enjoy our time while we’re still alive. So why does it seem like the older we get the faster time goes? Let’s travel through time and explore why it seems to go faster the older we get and how we might be able slow it down.

Looking Back

Try to remember as far back as you can. The oldest memories of yourself as a conscious being experiencing everything for the first time. Where family vacations felt so long, summer breaks went by so slow, and a day at school seemed never ending. One reason these moments seemed to last so long is because they are a larger portion of our lives. A year when we are 10 accounts for significantly longer time than a year when we are 80. Let’s dive into more reasons why life seems to pass by faster.

Why Time Keeps Speeding up

When we are young, we experience so many new things for the first time. Our brains have to create brand new memories, along with a network of neurological impulses for each event. All this new data takes a lot more energy to process as it gets sorted into important long term information or useful short term ideas.

In an attempt to conserve energy, our brains creates shortcuts for recurring actions. This auto pilot sustained from the subconscious mind guides us with little thought. As we get older, we begin to form monotonous routines. Things like driving to work, cooking an ordinary meal, and our everyday rituals become a blur as our minds drift on with other miscellaneous thoughts. Time seems to have blinked by without even realizing it.

Society also had a much looser grip on our younger selves. We didn’t feel the magnitudes of anxiety about the future or dwell on the depression brought on by past mistakes. Living in the present makes time flow at a slower pace.

Have you ever been so bored you felt time was at a stand still? Waiting for the school bell to ring as you watched the clock tick second by second? Waiting at the DMV for what seems like an eternity? When we are consciously aware of the passage of time, our perception of it seems to become way slower.

How to Slow Down Time

We might not be able to change the physical limitations of time, but we can alter our perception of it. How we perceive time is correlated to the way we experience our reality. Just like exploring a city vs the perspectives we’ll get from looking down the top of a skyscraper. Being more mindful during our daily routines can help immerse us into the present moment. It’s like turning off auto pilot and taking back control. Try taking a different route home or mixing up the ordinary schedule to increase your self awareness in everyday life.

Having new experiences is another great way to lighten up ordinary routines. With your brain constantly having to process unique information, it may just slow things down for you. Traveling is an excellent way to experience exciting new scenarios. Whether it’s hand gliding off the coast of Rio de Janiero, watching the sun rise for the summit of Mount Fuji, or tension filled walks through Korea’s Demilitarized Zone, there’s always more memories to create.

Higher consciousness in our everyday lives might help life seem a bit slower. Although we may not be able to completely escape the existential dread, we can try to enjoy the ride a bit more. After all, life is only but the journey. Thanks for reading and keep leveling up!